helpful tips
Post Direct to your loved ones!
Here at Rodo HQ we are always looking for new ways to improve our service. And as many of you are finding it hard to go out at the moment. We wanted to make things a little easier by setting up a way for you to Post Direct to your loved ones! We are now able to post...
Wedding Table Names – What should I name my Tables?
Many people now choose to name their wedding tables after something they as a couple love! Table numbers do work well at weddings, however if you have a lot of tables, people can sometimes feel a little put out if they are on table number 25. To avoid anyone feeling...
Wedding Invitations – What to include – mix and match from our list.
Deciding what to include in your wedding invitations can be tricky. There's lots of information to get across to your guests before your big day, but how much would you like to leave to a surprise? Many of our brides in the past have given lots of information on their...
Informal Invite Wording for Wedding Invitations – How do I word my invite?
How do I decide on my invite wording ? People always worry about how they will invite their guests without offending anyone. The truth is, there is no right our wrong when it comes to invite wording! It's your day, so you can invite people the way that you want...
Wedding Checklist for Stationery
Are you planning your wedding and not sure where to begin with Wedding Stationery? It's hard to know exactly what you need. So we have put together a wedding checklist for you! You will not need everything on this list, but we wanted you to know that anything is...
How do I word my Wedding Invitations? Invitation wording tips.
Wedding tips and Wording ideas How do I word my invite? Invitation wording help from Rodo Creative One of our most frequently asked questions for wedding tips is about how to structure invitations, what to include and what sort of wording to use. People always worry...
Wedding Stationery Meetings – Why it can be so important to meet your stationer
Wedding Stationery is something that features in the build up to your wedding and also throughout your wedding day. Which is why it can be so helpful to meet up with your stationer designer! Here at Rodo Creative we think it can be so important to meet with your...
Child-free wedding – Wording to help you let people know if children are invited to your wedding.
Children are not always invited to weddings and it can be a subject that can be hard to approach. If not made clear that its child-free on the invitation, you could end up with people presuming that their child is on the guest list. Leading to, what could be, an...
Wedding After Party Wording Tips: How do I word my invitation for the after party at home?
Many couples are choosing a more intimate wedding abroad with a small amount of family and friends. Or even just the two of them! An intimate wedding abroad means only one thing - a huge wedding after party when you return!! This is such a popular choice, and who can...